"Everi" is a passion project created by people in their twenties, for people in their twenties, centered around the themes of life, death, and reincarnation. Through this project, we aim to explore diverse perspectives on "approaching life," with the hope of sparking deeper thoughts in our viewers, encouraging them to relate to the situations presented and reflect on their own lives.

Our exploration of these themes is not just in the content but also in the visuals. Everi is an immersive experience that combines various art styles and animation techniques, designed to fully submerge the viewer into the world we’ve built.


Why animation?


Why use animation

Animation turns complex topics into engaging content, breaking language and cultural barriers. Its emotional and visual appeal captures attention, making it a powerful tool for conveying messages.

Animation reflects society's values and challenges, using diverse characters and stories to address social issues. It fosters empathy, challenges stereotypes, and raises awareness on critical topics like inequality, inspiring change through visual storytelling​​


Why many visual styles?


Why many visual styles

A major element of the story is the character's journey through multiple reincarnations. We thought: since these are different lives, why not make each one completely unique? By constantly shifting the style, this approach not only serves as a visual metaphor relevant to the plot, but also keeps the audience on their toes and heightens engagement. The styles we've chosen are ones that resonate with our target audience, as they draw inspiration from the media they grew up with.



Visual research and moodboard

It fosters empathy, challenges stereotypes, and raises awareness on critical topics like inequality, inspiring change through visual storytelling​​


Visual research and moodboard

It fosters empathy, challenges stereotypes, and raises awareness on critical topics like inequality, inspiring change through visual storytelling​​